
Blog Launch


"LOVE THIS BROKEN CITY" is St Barnabas' attempt to take seriously the reason why God has called us as his people here in Fairfield City.

We believe that Jesus' Mission to the world is also ours through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We believe that as the Creator, God is the one who gives clarity to how this world, and all human relationships can have enduring meaning and purpose.

We are called to live as members of this world. We are gifted to declare the coming of the next world. This is what "LOVE THIS BROKEN CITY IS ALL ABOUT".

please post COMMENTS by clicking the word "COMMENTS" directly below


  1. For the three weeks we are doing the "LOVE THIS CITY" studies, Can I encourage you all to post comments on anything your group was particularly struck by, found challenging, helpful etc.

    The same material (Videos & Comments) will also be posted in the FACEBOOK group for love this broken city.

  2. It was a great video! And, well here is the blog! The St Barnabas love this city blog/page... So where do we go from here? I can't wait to find out.
    -Paul Hellyer

  3. Hey guys,
    I don't live in Fairfield (I live up north), but I am encouraged by you, and will continue to pray for you all.
    There are no hard cases. If the area around you seems dead to God, take heart. We were all dead to God before Jesus intervened with grace. He works best with dead people.
    There are NO hard cases.
    Love and prayers, siblings. Please do post prayer points and stories. I will be faithfully praying for Fairfield.
    Grace and peace.
